2 Jun 2014

PJForex: forex trading journal

An interview to Giulio Giraldi, a young entrepreneur passionate about forex trading and IT. Giulio lives in UK and he is launching his first startup, PJForex (www.pjforex.com).

Maurizio - How did you decide to open your startup?

Giulio - I was always interested in the financial world and in the way computers support the investment processes. As I started trading in the forex markets, I grew more and more unhappy with the tools at hand. In particular, there was so little to support my trading in a traversal way.

The specific idea came when I started investing actively. I realized quickly that - in order to make the most out of it - I would have to process all the information in an easy and organised way. When you are trading the forex, there are several factors that you need to keep in mind and it might not be always easy without the proper support. In other words, I needed a tool to organise the information for me. The solution was a software to support trading activities from different perspectives.

So, I began designing and writing PJForex. The early results - and the improvements I got in profitability - were so good that I decided that my application had to be shared with other traders. And that’s how the startup was born.

Maurizio - What is the biggest challenge to start it up?

Giulio - PJForex is still in the seeding phase. I am currently writing articles on the blog to explain its features - highlighting how traders would benefit from using it - and I am going to prepare screencasts to explain everything. PJForex introduces a whole lot of innovative elements; there are many features that were never available before and it has a level of automation that is hard to find in other financial tools.

Maurizio - What are you going to do next? What is your strategy?

Giulio - PJForex will soon have many new, innovative and exciting features designed to help traders in a better way. The vision of PJForex is to make trading easy for everyone by offering a great trading platform to support every investment aspect. In the near future, I will be moving in several directions: (i) improving the visibility of the blog and (ii) looking for strategic partners to provide a great service to our customers.

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